Has science-fiction ever made you dream of what it would be like to be on a spaceship, heading off on some great adventure? Unfortunately for me, I was born a little too early in time (I’m too old!) to be able to have such an experience but, of course, that doesn’t stop me, or anyone else, dreaming of what it might be like.

The above tickets are, of course, not real but rather part of a fun scheme that NASA have devised to get us all more interested in their work. If you give them your name, by entering your details on an online form, they will etch your name onto a microchip which they will leave behind on Mars during their next mission (July 2020). It’s simple and free to do, by visiting the NASA “Send Your Name To Mars‘ programme website and entering your name on the Mars 2020 Signup Form. Being a passenger in ‘name and mind’ only, may fall a little short of being psychically there, but it has some major advantages such as being a lot safer and leaving a trace of you behind (your name coded into a micro chip) for unknown future beings to discover! For more information look at their FAQ.